Think Color!

Think Color!
Beauty Starts From Within

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

About Me

I believe each person should have dreams and goals that reach high. Extend yourself and, most often, you will surprise yourself of how far you have reached. Be the very best you can be.

I am an author of several books, and another one to be released next fall. My love of teaching and sewing led to accomplishing the dream of being published. The people I meet make it all worthwhile.

I am an Independent Mary Kay Consultant and my goal is living the Golden Rule, and providing personal service and guidance to my customers. Once again, all the women (and men!) I meet add something to each and every day. One tiny action can add to the someone else's day or life.

I am not a certified beautician, nor cosmetologist - I gain my knowledge through learning, listening, and living each day. My hope is to share beauty tips that will help both inside and out. Beauty does begin from within. Yet, there are times the outside beauty gives us confidence, and just makes us feel good about who we are. That is my gift to you - feel good about who you are.

Everyone is truly different - both inside and out. Our thoughts, feelings, dreams are unique to use. Just as unique is our skin and a product for one person, may not be what another needs.

Live each day to the fullest! Follow my blog to see how I strive to be the best I can be, and how I try to reach my goals. Struggles, and how we handle them, can earn us trust of others.

Happy Day to YOU!

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