Feels like sandpaper just attached under my eyes overnight!
Not a normal issue for me and will reach for my tried-and-true MK product, but talking to eye doctor realized we definitely lack oil glands under the eyes! Lack of oil producing glands lead to extreme dryness. Also (and I certainly didn't want to hear this one!) - aging reduces oil glands and that leads to even more dryness. No matter how much we want to "age gracefully", let's do it with confidence and with safety!
There can always be a lot of factors, like allergies, excessive crying, and changes in our skin. Check with a Doctor, if necessary, to see what might be yours, and go from there.
- Watch products you put around the eyes - make sure they are safe for the eyes.
- When putting any moisturizer, gel, make-up, anything around the eyes, then use the ring fingers. They exert the least amount of pressure. Let's not create more wrinkles and stretch our skin anymore than we have to!
- Instead of rubbing anything in, just pat it on gently. Again, let's moisturize but not increase the damage.
There are at least 3 parts of the body that have less glands and show age the fastest - eyes, throat, and hands.
Moisturize! Moisturize! Moisturize!
Keep your beauty both within and without
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